
Additional Transportation Options

VineGo Shuttle Service logo

VineGo On Demand Shuttle Service

VineGo picks up passengers at their home and will take them to any destinations within Napa County as well as Kaiser Vallejo. Round trips and same day reservations are welcome. All rides are scheduled over the phone. VineGo is available 7 days a week and fares range anywhere from $3.20-$6.40, but discounted price passes are available. An in person assessment is required as part of the application process, but VineGo can provide transportation to this.

Senior African American woman smiling and riding in a shuttle

City-Specific Shuttle Services

Calistoga Shuttle Service

On-demand transit service within city limits for the general public. No advanced reservations required, wheelchair accessible. 

St. Helena Shuttle

On-demand, door-to-door transit service within specific areas of the city limits.

Yountville Trolley

Door-to-door rides for residents and visitors of the Town of Yountville and Veteran's Home.

The Vine public transportation bus

Public Transportation

The Vine

Safe, affordable, and accessible public transportation for all residents and visitors within Napa County.

Taxi Scrip - Lifeline Taxi Program

Taxi Script Program supplements the regular VINE bus system for seniors and/or persons with disabilities that have evening trips after the bus goes out of service, or on a day when the rider may not feel well enough to to take the bus. Up to half the cost of a regular taxi ride.

Piner's Napa Ambulances in parking lot

Ambulance Services

Piner's Napa Ambulance

Basic life support transportation for people needing gurney van transportation. EMTs are available to help from bedside to bedside for doctors appointments, dialysis appointments, and short or long distance transfers.

For a complete list of transportation options, please download the PDF.