Our Programs

Molly Cares Napa

At Molly Cares!, we are dedicated to fostering social and emotional well-being among seniors through our comprehensive program. We go beyond mere check-ins by providing weekly calls, heartfelt birthday and holiday greetings, and personalized reminders that they are valued members of our community. These connections serve as vital lifelines, easing feelings of depression and isolation.

Moreover, we actively seek out local events and opportunities that enrich seniors' lives, such as attending theater performances and community concerts. By engaging in these experiences, we empower seniors to feel connected, vibrant, and part of something greater than themselves.

African American senior man sitting on couch on a phone call

Weekly Telephone Calls

Molly’s Angels volunteers are the compassionate backbone of our initiative, reaching out with weekly check-in calls to seniors residing solo in Napa County. Beyond a simple safety check, these calls provide a lifeline of warmth and companionship, actively combating the effects of loneliness and depression.

Our dedicated volunteers understand the profound impact of these conversations, not only on the mental well-being of seniors but also on their overall safety, health, and independence. By maintaining regular contact, we not only reassure seniors of their value but also empower them to navigate life's challenges with confidence, ensuring they never feel isolated or forgotten.

​Available during business hours:
Monday – Friday, 8AM – 5PM

For Solano County residents: Molly Cares Solano

Birthday Cards and Phone Calls

We are lucky to have volunteers of all ages, ranging from local Napa High School students to retired crafters who create handmade birthday cards, delivering the simple gift of a holiday greeting.  Other volunteers offer a heartfelt phone call to say “Happy Birthday.” For an isolated senior, these gestures serve as powerful reminders of their significance and worth in our community. Each card and call carries with it a message of care and connection, illuminating the lives of those who may otherwise feel forgotten or overlooked. We extend our deepest gratitude to our volunteers who take the time to bestow a moment of kindness.

​Available during business hours:
Monday – Friday, 8AM – 5PM

To sign up for Hello Molly! Care Calls, call 707-224-8971 or

See Also:

African American woman volunteering to drive senior Causcasin woman
Caucasian woman volunteer helps caucasian senior male with laptop